Yes, my baby is now 2 years old! I can't believe it. She had an excellent day filled with balloons, cake, and presents. She would only open one present, however, and it was a FurReal Kitty. She fell instantly in love and wanted nothing to do with the other presents. All the better for me! I'm now saving them for Christmas.
My two favorite things about Breanna (or "Nanna" as she calls herself):
#1: Soooooo happy all the time! She so often has a precious smile on her face and can somehow make everyone around her laugh. She loves to be the center of attention and performs for us daily.
#2: Soooooo smart. She has quite a vocabulary for one so small and talks up a storm all day long. She loves to repeat everything we say. The other day Christopher said, "She is a little copycat." Breanna replied, "I'm a little copycat!"